It’s a new year! New years bring fresh starts. And where better to start afresh than your wardrobe?
Decluttering your wardrobe can seem like a daunting task but follow these simple rules of what to be getting rid of and you’ll soon see a wardrobe that makes far more sense and gives you a renewed sense of style.
Read on for my list of seven things you need to be getting rid of.
- 1. Tired / worn / shabby / looking items.
It goes without saying that anything with the elbows worn through or that is irreparable really doesn’t belong in your wardrobe, but sometimes we have items that we find so comfortable and cosy that we forget to really look at them properly, as perhaps others might, and really notice just how scruffy or shabby they are. And although you might still find them comfortable, are they really doing anything for how you feel about yourself? Wouldn’t something new and comfortable make you feel even better? Remember that nothing needs to go to landfill. If clothing is too worn for the charity shop, still send it in a bag marked as ‘rags’ as the charity shop can still make money from these items, sold for recycling purposes.
- Anything that doesn’t fit.
It is so very tempting to hold on to items thinking that one day you’ll get into them again, but while these things are taking up space in your wardrobe, they’re taking up valuable space that something that would fit you NOW and look great NOW could do. The other thing to think about it is, just how long have you kept this item hoping to get back into it again? Ok, you LOVED it at the time, it made you feel amazing! But how many years ago was this? And if you did lose the weight to fit into it again, would it really make you feel as good? There’s always the risk that it might well look dated now. And if you did lose the weight, wouldn’t it be great to treat yourself to something equally as amazing, but that’s also current and up to date?
If on, the other hand, you’re 100% determined to get back into it, or it’s due to lockdown weight that you know you’re going to lose now that restrictions are lifting, then by all means hang on to it, but move it elsewhere in the meantime, (spare wardrobe / loft / underbed storage), so that all that is hanging in your wardrobe right now is what fits you right now.
- Anything that doesn’t suit YOU.
If you know your colouring type and your body shape and proportions, then you really need to dedicate the space you have to items of clothing that complement these. If you have items that aren’t quite right, can they be altered or worn with something in one of your better colours to rescue them and get further wear from them?
It’s also important to consider whether the item is still (or has ever been) YOU. It’s essential to determine your personal sense of style and really understand it. EVERYONE has one, but if you’ve not really thought about it before, then it’s a good idea to gain some understanding here. My online Signature Style course is a great way to do this.
If they really don’t suit you, then they’d be better off worn by someone who they really would flatter so sell them, give to a friend, or send to the charity shop.
- Anything you’ve not worn in 12 months or more.
Apart from holiday clothes and very dressy items that you will be forgiven for not having worn in the last two years for obvious reasons, any day-to-day pieces of clothing that haven’t been worn in the last year, really don’t deserve the wardrobe space they’re taking up. There’s a good reason they’ve not been worn (unless you simply forgot they were there), so it’s probably time to part ways with them.
- Ill-fitting underwear.
One of the secrets to looking good in your clothes, is ensuring your have your foundations right. And by foundations, I mean underwear. If your underwear doesn’t fit correctly, it really doesn’t matter what you’re wearing, you’re never going to look as you could with the right size bra and knickers that don’t dig in and create a VPL. So, clear out your underwear drawer and assess every item in turn. Does is fit well? Is it comfortable? And does it create a nice smooth silhouette? If not, off it goes.
- Shoes, boots, and sandals that have seen better days.
As with your clothes and underwear, be objective. Look at your footwear as others might and decide, do they still look in good condition? Could they be revived by a good cobbler? Or do they need to go? You should also consider whether you’re likely to wear them again? Are they still appropriate to your lifestyle, are they current, do you still LIKE them? And do they fit properly and feel comfortable?
Shoes no longer fit for wear can be recycled if sent to charity shops, just make sure they’re separated from wearable shoes and marked as not fit for wear. It saves the volunteers a job at the other end.
- Socks, tights, and accessories that really shouldn’t be there.
Having had a good sort through all your clothes and footwear, it’s important not to neglect all the other bits and pieces – namely your socks, tights, belts, bags, scarves and jewellery. Assess everything and as before, get rid of anything that’s past it’s best, scruffy looking, dated, ill-fitting, or inappropriate to your current lifestyle, your style type, colouring, scale, and proportions.
Exceptions to the rules:
I will make exceptions for the odd one or two items kept for purely sentimental reasons. But if these things are taking up valuable space, consider packing them away carefully and storing elsewhere (loft, underbed storage, etc) so that everything in your wardrobe is something you currently wear, making seeing your clothes and creating outfits easier.
I know as well as anyone what a challenge this can be, so having a friend there to help really will make the process easier and more fun too – and they might even end up with a few new items for their own wardrobe!
I also know how tempting it is to hang on to things simply because you love them or spent a lot on them or think you might one day fit into them again but do try not to do this. The sense of achievement and lightness you will get from really getting rid of those items that don’t get worn and freeing up space in your wardrobe really will make you feel better and you’ll find you’ll get more wear from those items that do deserve a place in your wardrobe.
On top of this, you’ll also enjoy filling the gaps with things that really suit you and fit you properly.
Good luck!