Colour Analysis Led To Her Putting On Her Running Shoes

Oct 30, 2021

a women kneeling and tying her pink trainer laces up

Sarah wasn’t happy. In fact, she was feeling very, very low. She loved being a stay at home mum but she had also loved working and earning money, and the freedom to invest in herself. She had enjoyed shopping for clothes and treating herself.

Since becoming a mum, she’d been busy – it’s a busy job – but she found that bit by bit she was losing confidence in herself. Money was tight, she had very little time to spend on herself and she’d put on weight. Then along came Covid ☹ and with it, home-schooling and lockdown and things just got worse.

By Autumn 2020, she really wasn’t happy with how she felt about herself. BUT she made a decision. She decided something had to change and invested in herself by having a colour analysis with me.

Due to lockdown, we did it virtually. We assessed her colouring and then had a good virtual root through her wardrobe. I made suggestions for ways to wear pieces she already had, and ways to style things that perhaps weren’t perfect for her but that she couldn’t afford to replace straight away. There were a few items that we agreed really didn’t deserve a place in her wardrobe but she was able to find new ways of wearing most of her existing clothes.

The following week I received a call from Sarah thanking me. She said that since her colour analysis, she’d noticed a shift in herself and had been inspired to go out for a run which is something she hadn’t done in a long time. The running had lifted her mood and given her the bit of ‘me time’ she’d been missing. She’d continued running and said she was feeling brighter.

A few weeks and she invested in one or two items for her wardrobe, and this had made her feel that bit brighter again.

Sarah then joined one of my virtual workshops where she learned the basics about how to dress for her body shape.

A couple of months later I had another update from her to say that she was still running, the weight had started to shift, and she’d dropped a dress size. The affect this had on her confidence levels was incredible, and she’s now working part time in a friend’s business which is bringing some money in. 

I’m not saying that learning which colours are best suited to you or revamping your wardrobe will solve all your problems overnight, but what they can do is create that shift in you that triggers a positive change, and from that, another positive change and another until you find that you’re far from the place you once were.

How about you? Have you found that a lifestyle change has affected your confidence levels? Let me know in the comments.


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